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Misfits - The Devil's Rain -2011

#Lodi, New Jersey -USA#

Genre: Horrorpunk
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Misfits - Where Monsters Sleep (demos)
Album: Misfits - The Devil's Rain -2011
Year: 2011
Quality: mp3 - 320
Covers: Yes, complete art work
01. The Devil's Rain
02. Vivid Red
03. Land of the Dead
04. The Black Hole
05. Twilight of the Dead
06. Curse of the Mummy's Hand
07. Cold in Hell
08. Unexplained
09. Dark Shadows
10. Father
11. Jack the Ripper
12. Monkey's Paw
13. Where Do They Go
14. Sleepwalkin'
15. Ghost of Frankenstein
16. Death Ray "The Devil's Rain" es un álbum de estudio de la banda The Misfits, el primero desde Project 1950 de 2003 y el primero de material original desde Famous Monsters 1999. Fué lanzado el 4 de octubre de 2011 a través del sello Misfist Records y fue producido por Ed Stasium (Living Colour, Talking Heads, Ramones, entre otros).. Cuenta con re-grabaciones de nuevas versiones de las dos canciones del último single de la banda, "Land Of The Dead", que también fueron lanzados en un sencillo titulado "Twilight of the Dead". La cubierta del disco es de Arthur Suydam.

Según Jerry Only, líder de la banda, “el concepto del disco es que varias personas vendieron su alma al Diablo y 300 años después han venido a recuperarla. Sólo la pueden recuperar si cruzan a través de la lluvia del Diablo pero esto supone una muerte segura porque esta lluvia les derrite. La idea es conseguir que la gente se derrita escuchando nuestra lluvia del Diablo”.

La lluvia tormentosa de los primeros segundos del disco haciendo honor a su nombre, como no podía ser de otra manera, parece indicar que puede venir algo bueno. Unido también a los golpes de fondo de ‘Goat’, comienzan los primeros acordes de guitarra (que recuerdan un poco a los Sex Pistols) y pronto vemos en acción a Only. A partir de ahí, la canción se hace previsible y monótona. No en vano, es probablemente uno de los mejores temas del álbum, lo cual dice mucho.

Curse of the Mummy’s Hands es probablemente la que más me gusta de todo. Las voces guturales del comienzo son un buen síntoma de lo que vendrá después. Aunque, como pasa en casi todo el disco, acaba aburriendo. Eso sí, cabe destacar los registros vocales de Only, que tienen poco que envidiar, en esta ocasión, a Michale Graves. Hasta que llegamos a este sexto corte, se quedan por el camino temas más o menos pasables, pero que no llegan a enganchar, como son Vivid Red (un tema con mucha fuerza pero vacío), The Black Hole (prescindible), y las dos canciones pertenecientes a un single publicado en el año 2009, como son Land of the Dead y Twilight of the Dead, ambas similares en calidad, aunque se hace mucho más entretenida la primera de ellas.

Destacables son también Cold in Hell y Unexplained. La primera, pese a su a priori monotonía, gana en ritmo a partir del primer minuto con unos coros de fondo bien trabajados. La segunda es también de las mejores del trabajo. Pero a partir de aquí, es decir, desde la octava canción, se nota un considerable bajón a penas rescatable por canciones como Jack the Ripper. Temas como Father, Monkey’s Paw o Where Do They Go son un ejemplo de como rellenar un álbum que flojea. Un ‘rayo de la muerte’ (qué irónico) pone el punto final.

Se espera una nueva gira mundial, que tendrá bastante ocupados a los precursores del horror punk, de hecho a partir de septiembre agarran las maletas y se disparan a través del globo. I think it's a pretty safe bet that most of you FEARnet fiends have at least heard of the Misfits in one manifestation or another. Whether you're a lifelong fan, a newcomer or just wondering what's the big deal, this band deserves major props for launching the long-standing genre of horror-themed punk rock three decades ago, and despite a revolving door of lineup changes ever since the 1983 departure of original frontman Glenn Danzig, they've crafted a formula that kept them thriving and kick-started the careers of a thousand different horror bands. Given their hard-rocking themes about classic monsters, sci-fi, horror & vintage exploitation flicks, comics and the like, I can't imagine a better time of year than October to experience the band's new release The Devil's Rain – their first new record of all original material since 1999's Famous Monsters. That said, it's obviously a moral imperative that I give this one a spin and share the results with you. Read on for a review...

Since it's been so long since we last heard new Misfits material, it's only fair that they decided to roll in high style with this project. For starters, they enlisted the production skills of Ed Stasium – who not only worked on Famous Monsters, but also produced the Ramones albums Road to Ruin and Too Tough to Die. They also brought back their iconic mascot "The Fiend," rendering him in all his wicked skeletal glory through the art of  Arthur Suydam, best known for his work on the amazing Marvel Zombies comic series. For a final timeless touch, they commissioned celebrity photographer Mick Rock – whose shots of music icons like David Bowie, Debbie Harry and the Ramones have become the stuff of legend – to do a new series of band portraits for the inside of the digipak CD. It all adds up to an impressive package that should drive fans and collectors into a frenzy.

Needless to say, the band's definitely set expectations sky-high with this one, especially since frontman Jerry Only has called the record "a total reboot" of the Misfits legacy: "In a sense, it's the debut album from the legendary Misfits of this decade... and redefines the ferocity and melody that has made the Misfits omnipresent and immortal." Then there's the band's many well-known personnel shakeups: bassist/singer Only is the sole original member of the band, now backed by guitarist Dez Cadena (formerly of punk icons Black Flag) and drummer Eric Arce (aka "Chupacabra"). Still, I swore I'd keep an open mind and take in these sixteen songs on their own merit, and I'm happy (and relieved) to discover that the bulk of these tunes are rock-solid, ballsy, clever and entertaining... which in the end is all that matters. I'm not sure if it totally qualifies as a "reboot" – after all, there's no need to reinvent the wheel here – but it does a decent job of retooling the Misfits brand for a new generation of fiends... which I think was their intention all along.

Musically, the band's no-nonsense, punk-meets-vintage-rock style has not changed too much – in fact, they've managed to bring a bit more punk to the table this time, plus some dark, doomy elements that have more than a little solo Danzig flavor. Only's vocals – which are more melodic here – are decent, but lack some of the angry punch of Famous Monsters. But the trio still serves up their usual smorgasbord of rousing choruses and "whoa-ahh-ohh" chants – check "Vivid Red" for a fine example – over solid twelve-bar blues patterns and just the right touch of metalized riffage: dig the track "Death Ray" for a solid mashup of hardcore and metal rhythm styles, "Sleepwalkin" for a fusion of vintage blues-rock onto a punk framework, and the mosh-worthy entries "Cold in Hell" and "Jack the Ripper."

They've also rounded up a great new batch of song themes that should make horror fans cream their jeans – beginning with the spooky opening/title track, inspired by the '70s satanic cult movie of the same name. If you're a fan of George Romero's Living Dead films (honestly, is there anyone reading this who isn't?), you'll dig the tributes to be found in the songs "Land of the Dead" – the first single, which also boasts the incredible Suydam cover art shown below – and that song's anthemic b-side "Twilight of the Dead." There's also a clever Ramones-style nod to TV's Collins family in "Dark Shadows" and a hard-hitting ode to a Universal classic in "Ghost of Frankenstein." Even when the lyrics aren't busting out trademark homages to our genre heroes, a colorful storytelling lyric style benefits songs like "The Monkey's Paw" (co-written by Jerry and former Ramones producer Daniel Rey) and "Where Do They Go," the latter being an eerie, melancholy '50s-style retelling (complete with female backing vocals) of a real-life murder case.

Even if The Devil's Rain doesn't quite come across as the supernatural rebirth we'd love it to be, I still had a pretty good time with it. Maybe it's just this time of year, but there's still a festive spirit that has survived all the band's career ordeals. Sure, there's plenty of folks out there who just won't listen to any of the band's post-Danzig recordings, but this album isn't really meant for them anyway. Taken as a midnight road trip through zombie country in a high-toned hearse, The Devil's Rain is just about everything it should be; no more, no less. We're talking rock 'n' roll, not rocket science, and there's no need to fix what ain't broke... and thankfully, the band didn't break anything on their own. Some of these tunes might wear out their welcome after October 31st, but until then I'll be spinning 'em quite a few times and enjoying the hell out of myself.
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The law stipulates that you can make a backup of your original abums so if you do not have that you should delete the original file after 24 hours, we are not responsible for the misuse of those files. We do not support piracy, we do not intend to harm anyone exposed to it here, we like the music, that's why I ask you to support your favorite bands, buy their CDs, attend their concerts, participates ...


File Size: 154MB

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Hola a tod@s... ante tanta injusticia y MALTRATO, TORTURA y ABERRACIONES que se comenten contra los animales, pedimos que colaboreis FIRMANDO en los enlaces contra distintas causas por las que luchamos y creemos que vale la pena involucrarse! de ante mano deciros a todos aquellos que colaboreis GRACIAS, aunque penseis que los gobiernos no hacen caso de los foros y las peticiones sociales CREERNOS los votos les influyen demasiado en sus decisiones...


  • Pide a Ucrania que pare la cremación de perros y gatos vivos por el Mundial Fútbol 2012
  • Evitemos la creación de un centro de experimentación animal en Lugo
  • Firma para acabar con la tragedia de muchos de los galgos utilizados para la caza.
  • Dile a la ONU que termine con la cacería de elefantes:
  • Sacrificio de perros y gatos por la comunidad de madrid:
muchas gracias!!