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Bloodslut - Hell Is Our Only Home

Otra banda que me autoriza a poner su material
Another band that allows me to put their material

#Madison, Wisconsin -USA#

Genre: Horrorpunk/Zombiecore
"Eviscerate Me"

Band Members: JOey Destro- Vocals, Josh von Avni - Bass, N. Rogaz - Guitar, Garrett Page - Drums
Influences: Samhain, Rosemary's Babies, KISS, Mourning Noise, Black Flag, Jerry's Kids, Dwarves, Necros, Cro-Mags, Lust, Porn, Tons of Horror flicks + fuck loads of other shit


Album: Hell Is Our Only Home
Year: 2008
Quality: mp3 - 320kbps
Covers: No
01 - Unholy
02 - Blood and Black Lace
03 - Dance'til You Drop Dead
04 - Sounds of Death
05 - I Believe in Hell
06 - Flesh of Man
07 - River Hell
08 - Come Closer
09 - Sent From Hell
10 - Chopped Up
In August of 2007, BloodSlut came into existence...

When plans of moving to Atlanta and joining metal band Dead Rites had faltered, JOey Destro decided to form a new band with a new direction. After a few nights of brainstorming band names, Destro finally came up with the name “BloodSlut”; he thought the name fit the style of music he wanted, while being simple and memorable.

Soon after picking the band name, he began writing the songs for what would become the band's first EP. After recording, mixing, and mastering the nine songs, JOey designed and printed the layouts, assembled them in their cases, and released the EP on November 15th, 2007 on his own label, Bruised Records. The music was very intense, aggressive, and fast-paced. A deadly collection of violent and hard-hitting punk, it was a rebirth of Hardcore! The lyrical content had an assortment of topics, ranging from: extreme violence, sex, and lust, to tales of werewolves, murder, and the macabre; all the way back to the classic horror movie-inspired songs!

Shortly after the release of the self-titled EP, JOey moved to Madison, WI in hopes of a fresh start and the opportunity to meet new people who might join the band. Before the BloodSlut project came to be, JOey and his friend Josh Avni had frequently talked about starting up a band together; unfortunately, distance kept them from following through. But when the move to Madison was made, Destro recognized the opportunity and called up Josh, who agreed to join on as bassist. As soon as Destro confirmed Josh’s position in the band, he started looking for a guitarist. They had placed some want ads for guitar players, and quickly got a reply from Nick Rogaz expressing deep interest in joining. By the end of the first practice, JOey was amazed with Nick’s talent and enthusiasm towards the band. Nick was instantly offered the spot as the guitarist; he had the skill and personality to fit right in. The only position needed, and the hardest to fill, was a drummer. Since the start, long time friend and former band-mate, Garrett Page had been interested in joining BloodSlut as drummer; but due to location conflicts and having part in another band, he wasn’t available as permanent drummer. After months of searching and having no luck, Destro decided to call Garrett Page and again offer a position. This time, Garrett agreed to play drums and soon moved to Madison, to join the rest of the band. Finally with the complete line-up, the band then decided to record their second EP, “Hell is Our Only Home”. Once more, BloodSlut had brought forth a new sound, it was more developed, heavier, and a “Hell” of a lot more aggressive and sexual. October 15th, 2008 saw the release of the second EP, which the band had again recorded, mixed, mastered, designed, printed, and assembled by themselves.

Now with the EP out, BloodSlut is planning lots of shows for the coming months, marketing the new album, getting other merchandise including shirts and stickers, and looking to get signed to a bigger label in order to help fund and distribute the future releases and spread the name of the band.

Finally, it needs to be known that there is no “sole member” of the band. In other words, each member of BloodSlut is integral to the band and puts his fair share into it! Also, while it’s a pretty common trait among other Punk & Hardcore bands, the members of this band are not rotating in any way; they are all very much dedicated and ready to take over the world!

La ley estipula que puedes hacer una copia de seguridad de tus discos originales por lo tanto si no dispones de ese original deberas borrar el archivo despues de 24 horas, no nos hacemos responsables de la mala utilizacion de dichos archivos. No apoyamos la pirateria, no pretendemos perjudicar a nadie con lo aqui expuesto,nos gusta la musica, por eso te pido que apoyes a tus bandas favoritas, compra sus discos, asiste a sus conciertos, participa ...
The law stipulates that you can make a backup of your original abums so if you do not have that you should delete the original file after 24 hours, we are not responsible for the misuse of those files. We do not support piracy, we do not intend to harm anyone exposed to it here, we like the music, that's why I ask you to support your favorite bands, buy their CDs, attend their concerts, participates ...

File Size: 56MB

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Hola a tod@s... ante tanta injusticia y MALTRATO, TORTURA y ABERRACIONES que se comenten contra los animales, pedimos que colaboreis FIRMANDO en los enlaces contra distintas causas por las que luchamos y creemos que vale la pena involucrarse! de ante mano deciros a todos aquellos que colaboreis GRACIAS, aunque penseis que los gobiernos no hacen caso de los foros y las peticiones sociales CREERNOS los votos les influyen demasiado en sus decisiones...


  • Pide a Ucrania que pare la cremación de perros y gatos vivos por el Mundial Fútbol 2012
  • Evitemos la creación de un centro de experimentación animal en Lugo
  • Firma para acabar con la tragedia de muchos de los galgos utilizados para la caza.
  • Dile a la ONU que termine con la cacería de elefantes:
  • Sacrificio de perros y gatos por la comunidad de madrid:
muchas gracias!!