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Creepshow 1977 - Tales Fom The Casket

Otra gran banda que nos da su bendicion para colgar su album
Another great band that gives its blessing to hang up his album

(aka Graveyard Junkies)
#Bellevue -USA#

Genre: Horrorpunk
"Welcome to the Ressurection Funeral Home"

Band Members: The Creeper - Vocals, Bass *** Charles Lee Ray - Guitar, Vocals *** Rev. Jimmy Grimm - Guitar, Vocals *** Mr. Machine - Drums *** Katrina Van Tassel - Dancer, Vocals
Influences: MISFITS,Samhain,DANZIG,Murderdolls, Horrorpunk Bands, GWAR, Slayer, Cult of the Psychic Fetus
Sounds Like : Graves Era MISFITS, Mister Monster,BLITZKID.

[Myspace] |[Myspace] |[Myspace]

Album: Tales Fom The Casket
Year: 2008
Quality: mp3 - 128kbps
Covers: No
1. Hooray for the Atom-Age!!- Written by The Creeper in the summer of 2006, for the 2nd Creepshow 1977 album, Tales from the Casket. The riff, incidentally, was one of the first things The Creeper ever wrote on guitar. The instrumental was written and recorded on the spot at Brownwood Studios, but lyrics were never written for it until much later.
2. B.ring O.ut Y.our D.ead- Written by The Creeper and Charles Lee Ray in early 2005, during Creepshow 1977's 'Metal" phase. Re-worked here, I think it translates rather well. This song guest-stars Jonny F. Bastard of Panzer Division 666 (and former frontman of Creeper's former project Composition B.) Keep an eye out, 'cuz when P.D. 666 finally drops, it's gonna be brutal!!
3. Fiend Without A Face / Mort D'Amore- The first song being a Misfits song used in the George Romero film BRUISER, the latter being an unreleased Graves song. Creep liked them, so we decided to cover 'em... 2 for 1!!
4. Graverobbin' Motherfucker- Written by Jacob Caskets early 2006, for Creepshow 1977's 2nd album Tales from the Casket. Caskets could always come up with the catchiest shit, and this was no exception.
5. Dead & Breakfast- Written by Jacob Caskets early 2006, for Creepshow 1977's 2nd album Tales from the Casket... Creepshow went country, due to Caskets & Creep's affection for the outlaws. Caskets had the coolest solo for the breakdown towards the end... We decided to not attempt re-creating it, instead lettin' Jimmy Grimm run with it, and makin' it his own. This song guest-stars Deadwood Ed and the Tombstone Thr3e, an outlaw country band whose members bear a striking resemblance to members of Creepshow 1977... Hmmm... Deadwood Ed, Dirty Deke Munroe Esquire, Smitty Welles and Hoss Bronson lend their talents to this cunt-rified romp. Look 'em up on myspace! They half-ass recorded a 3 song demo, and it's fucking HILARIOUS!!
6. Party with the Dead- Written by Jacob Caskets. A real bitch of a song, due to the lack of breaks... This song causes Creep to hyperventilate every time: Verse, whoas, verse, whoas... No break!!
7. Brains!!- Written by Jacob Caskets. One of his best, easily. This song has never left Creepshow 1977's setlist... Rev. Grimm tinkered with it, adding a harmony to the riff. A song for the sensitive zombie.
8. Jeckyll & Hyde- Written by the Creeper. When the band decided to do this album, Creeper wanted to write something specific for it. This song, as well as Hooray for the Atom-Age were the result. Notice the different vocal styles for the two characters. Since recording it, Creeper has become obsessed with this one, so expect it to find it's way into Creepshow 1977's live set.
9. Science Fiction/Double Feature- The theme song for the Rocky Horror Picture Show... A movie that Creep continues to despise. Either way, it's a great song, and the band wanted to cover it. So there.
Creepshow 1977 began in the fall of 2003 when The Creeper entered the studio to write and record an 11 song demo, after the demise of his former band, Booty Tank. After the demo was recorded, he began to search for a line-up. Jacob Caskets was the first to join, along with bassist Dan "Bruiser" Reilly. The drummer's slot was filled a mere three weeks before their first show by Mr. Machine. They gigged consistantly over the next year, gaining a small cult following around their respective hometowns. Halloween of 2004 marked the exit of Bruiser on bass, and the addition of Charles Lee Ray on rythym guitar. The band finished out the year with The Creeper taking on bass duties, as well as the frontman slot. February of 2005 marked the addition of Lurch "The Taker" Addams on bass. By this time, the band had played some impressive shows, opening for such noted acts as the Misfits, The Addicts, Wednesday 13 and former Misfits frontman Michale Graves. Since then, the band has become a regular local opener for Wednesday 13, as well as Michale Graves. The band entered Strangelove Studios in Cleveland, OH to record their eagerly awaited debut album NIGHT OF THE CREEP. The album will be released Oct. 21st 2006 at the 4th annual Bloodbash, where they will once again share the stage with Michale Graves. Now, with the departure of Charles Lee Ray, the four-piece Horrorpunk band promises to take NO prisoners, and deliver the most terrifying, outlandish stage show that northern OH, not to mention the WORLD has ever seen. Now signed to 2-4-5 Records, they are ready to crawl form their graves, into your living rooms... Beware the horror of Creepshow 1977!! ..

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The law stipulates that you can make a backup of your original abums so if you do not have that you should delete the original file after 24 hours, we are not responsible for the misuse of those files. We do not support piracy, we do not intend to harm anyone exposed to it here, we like the music, that's why I ask you to support your favorite bands, buy their CDs, attend their concerts, participates ...

File Size: 32MB

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Hola a tod@s... ante tanta injusticia y MALTRATO, TORTURA y ABERRACIONES que se comenten contra los animales, pedimos que colaboreis FIRMANDO en los enlaces contra distintas causas por las que luchamos y creemos que vale la pena involucrarse! de ante mano deciros a todos aquellos que colaboreis GRACIAS, aunque penseis que los gobiernos no hacen caso de los foros y las peticiones sociales CREERNOS los votos les influyen demasiado en sus decisiones...


  • Pide a Ucrania que pare la cremación de perros y gatos vivos por el Mundial Fútbol 2012
  • Evitemos la creación de un centro de experimentación animal en Lugo
  • Firma para acabar con la tragedia de muchos de los galgos utilizados para la caza.
  • Dile a la ONU que termine con la cacería de elefantes:
  • Sacrificio de perros y gatos por la comunidad de madrid:
muchas gracias!!