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Schoolyard Heroes - The Funeral Sciences

#Seattle -USA#

Genre : Horrorpunk

Band Members : Ryann Donnelly (Vocals), Jonah Bergman (Bass/Vocals), Steve Bonnell (Guitar), Brian Turner (Drums)
Influences : Guns n' Roses, the Misfits, Queen, Led Zeppelin, Shellac, Weezer, At the Drive-in, Michael Jackson, the Clash, Teen Cthulhu, Gosling, J.R. Ewing, Botch, Akimbo, Hot Snakes, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Refused, Black Sabbath, Sonic Youth, Kane Hodder, Iron Maiden, the Pixies, heart, Jay Z, Public Enemy, Ice Cube, Skid Row, Motley Crue, Hole, Doomsday 1999, ACS, Modest Mouse, Van Halen, Built to Spill, Big Black, Drive Like Jehu, the Who, NWA, Mars Volta
Sound like : Heart and Sonic Youth. Feel it.

Schoolyard Heroes are NOT for the faint at heart. They're a far cry from the
guyliner-smudged, wallowing-in-self-pity emo bands you've been drowned by for
the past two years. "We need to go out and destroy everything that is wrong
with music right now" announces towering bassist Jonah Bergman. Schoolyard
Heroes aren't here to save the day, but, as he describes, they "would like to
fuck shit up."

The foundations of this wonderfully weird and wild quartet were first laid in
1999 in a high school in Seattle, WA. Jonah Bergman and Ryann Donnelly became
fast friends and very soon afterwards, teamed up with guitarist Steve
Bonnell, before completing the line up a year later with the addition of
drummer Brian Turner. They toured relentlessly with the likes of Bayside, The
Fall Of Troy, Action Action and Vendetta Red, winning fans everywhere they
went with their explosive live shows. The band finally found a home in 2007
with Stolen Transmission (The Horrors, Permanent Me, The Photo Atlas.) Just
in the past year alone, Schoolyard Heroes has played SXSW, Bamboozle and
Bamboozle Left. 
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Album: The Funeral Sciences
Year: 2003
Quality: mp3 - VBR
Covers: No
01 Curse of the Werewolf
02 All-You-Can-Eat Cancer
03 The Mechanical Man vs. the Robot
04 Dawn of the Dead
05 Blood-Spattered Sundress
06 Attack of the Puppet People
07 Bury the Tooth of the Hydra and a
08 The Klaw
09 Michael Dudakoff_ American Ninja
10 Contra
11 Boyfriend
12 Sincerely Yours, Jonathan Harker

When I see titles like "All-You-Can-Eat Cancer" and "Bury the Tooth of the Hydra and a Skeleton Army Will Arise" I know I'm in for something at least interesting. It can go two directions after that - it can either nosedive into smarmy crap, which is most often the case, or it will surpise the hell out of me and not only be good but be great. The Funeral Sciences is, I'm happy to say, great.
The Heroes manage to roll a whole lot of seemingly disparate influences together and make it all flow - there's bits of old Iron Maiden-y progressive touches here and there and lots of punk attitude (but this is not trying to be punk, thank God,) with each member turning in thoughtful - and tasteful - solo moments here and there. The most impressive element, however, is singer Ryann Donnelly. Only 18 at the time of the recording, Ryann is blessed with one hell of a set of pipes and she shows off an incredible range, capable of near death-metal growls and some stunning operatic moments. Most of the time, however, she sings with a refreshingly enunciated meow in her voice that is most similar to the tuneful howling of PJ Harvey. I'm afraid to say this because I think it's far too easy to take the wrong way, but, on occasion, the songs and Donnelly's vocals bring to mind comedienne Julie Brown's 80s parody hits like "The Homecoming Queen's Got A Gun" - but take that in the best way possible. The Heroes are 100% serious, and any negative connotations that might be associated with "funny music" like Brown's is unintentional.
There's only one downfall the album has, and it might prove fatal to the album's sales if my hunches are correct. "Blood-spattered Sundress" is a seriously misleading track - and I'd bet this is the one that'll wind up aimed at teens if the band gets a chance in the spotlight. It's the most simplistic track on the album, sounding more like the very commonplace, and boring, throwaway pop-punk that's still, for whatever reason, all the rage. It's all sneering, but hollow, bad attitude, and it sounds glaringly out of place among the rest of the very fun, very intriguing arrangements. If aimed at short-attention span teens, it'll surely push the album temporarily, until word gets out that the rest of the music doesn't sound like it - the kids who give things one listen and give up if it doesn't fit their very narrow idea of what it should be. And what a shame, because they'll be missing out on the highlight of the album, "Boyfriend," a throwback to "My Boyfriend's Back" style songs - were it not for the swearing and general attitude. Donnelly really shines here, her voice full of raw emotion that puts to shame any of the turgid crap that American Idol churns out - the girl can sing, and the band can flat out play.

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Hola a tod@s... ante tanta injusticia y MALTRATO, TORTURA y ABERRACIONES que se comenten contra los animales, pedimos que colaboreis FIRMANDO en los enlaces contra distintas causas por las que luchamos y creemos que vale la pena involucrarse! de ante mano deciros a todos aquellos que colaboreis GRACIAS, aunque penseis que los gobiernos no hacen caso de los foros y las peticiones sociales CREERNOS los votos les influyen demasiado en sus decisiones...


  • Pide a Ucrania que pare la cremación de perros y gatos vivos por el Mundial Fútbol 2012
  • Evitemos la creación de un centro de experimentación animal en Lugo
  • Firma para acabar con la tragedia de muchos de los galgos utilizados para la caza.
  • Dile a la ONU que termine con la cacería de elefantes:
  • Sacrificio de perros y gatos por la comunidad de madrid:
muchas gracias!!